Sustainability vision

We understand the world is constantly changing and to be part of the future we must remain agile and open to new ways of working. It’s in this way we aim to give our customers the space they need to succeed by providing sustainable solutions and unparalleled service in high-quality locations now and into the future. Goodman cares about the future of the planet and all the people in it and we strive to have a positive impact on the world. We believe that a sustainable approach makes good business sense and seek to work with stakeholders who feel the same.

By aligning our corporate responsibility and sustainability vision with our purpose, we believe we can make space for greatness for all our stakeholders.

Goodman Business Park, Greater Tokyo, Japan.
Goodman Business Park, Greater Tokyo, Japan.

2030 Sustainability Strategy

Sustainability is about long-term thinking and leadership. We’ve always taken a sustainable approach that leads to positive economic, environmental and social outcomes for our business, our stakeholders and the world more broadly.

This year we comprehensively reviewed our practice, taking into account our continued growth and strong financial performance. The result is our 2030 Sustainability Strategy which builds on the momentum of our work to date, aligns with our purpose of ‘Making space for greatness’ and takes a more proactive approach to the challenges and opportunities of the future.

Our 2030 Sustainability Strategy is structured around three pillars. These are linked to a set of material issues, with each pillar backed by short and long-term environmental, social and governance (ESG) targets. Our progress on these targets will be reported annually later in the year, leading up to 2030.

Strategic pillars

Addressing the UN Sustainable Development Goals

The UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) address the world’s most significant challenges such as poverty, the planet, gender equality, clean water and climate change.

We have identified eight of the 17 SDGs as most relevant to our business. These shared global goals are another way we anchor ourselves to the power of collective leadership to ensure a sustainable future for all.

UN Goals

2019 highlights

  1. 100% of Goodman’s global developments include sustainable design initiatives such as LED or natural lighting and drought tolerant landscaping.
  2. Goodman Group and the Goodman Japan Core Partnership were awarded ‘Sector Leader’ in the 2019 GRESB survey.
  3. Certified developments were completed across Continental Europe, Japan, China and the United States.
  4. Goodman Pudong Airport Logistics Park in China won the world’s first Platinum award under the new LEED v4.1 O+M tool for warehouses.
  5. Goodman has more than 40MW of solar PV installed on its rooftops across our global portfolio.
  1. The Australian portfolio was benchmarked using Goodman’s internal sustainability rating tool, which helps allocate capital for sustainability improvements.
  2. Goodman reduced energy use by approximately 11% across the Australian office portfolio.
  3. Goodman committed to increasing efforts to eradicate potential instances of modern-day slavery in our supply chains.
  4. Goodman has committed to the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures’ guidelines for climate risk management.
  5. The Goodman Foundation and Goodman employees contributed almost 13,140 hours and approximately $5.7m to community and philanthropic causes.