Goodman Qingpu Centre, Shanghai, China.

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Goodman Foundation
Goodman Foundation
Corporate Performance
While we remain clear about our purpose – to make space for greatness – our approach to achieving this goal in a changing world is adaptable.
We finance ourselves with sustainable capital and maintain low debt levels to allow us to stay active during different market cycles. We value the trust of our stakeholders and the chance to make a difference in the communities we operate in.
To remain accountable and focus on continuous improvement, for the past eight years Goodman has participated in GRESB, the leading ESG survey for the real estate sector. Our ESG performance is analysed and scored, providing detailed insights for investors.
Material issues
Continued to meet financial targets to underpin capital sources and retain credit rating
Credit rating maintained at BBB+ (S&P) and Baa1 (Moody’s)
Committed to adopting the TCFD framework
The Risk and Compliance Committee to oversee TCFD compliance
Strong GRESB survey results, including:
$5.7m contributed to community and philanthropic causes
13,140 hours of employee time logged in volunteering and participation in charitable fund-raising events
See the Foundation section for more information.
Addressing climate risk
Goodman supports the Paris Agreement goal of reducing global carbon emissions and limiting the average temperature rise to below 2 degrees Celsius. At the same time, Goodman acknowledges it is exposed to a range of climates and extreme weather events across its operating regions. We have adopted the framework recommended by the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) and our board-appointed Risk and Compliance Committee will oversee the necessary analysis and disclosure.
This year, in response to the projected impacts of climate change, we developed a climate risk management programme. This programme will involve extensive work in key regions to understand our physical risks, including an assessment of climate exposure across Goodman’s Australian portfolio.
Goodman Foundation